
Aesthetic Consultation

45 minutes

Looking for a more personalized, specialized approach to facial aesthetics but don't know where to start? Book your consultation to discuss all of your non-surgical options to address your short and long-term needs.


45 minutes

BOTOX® Cosmetic and Xeomin® are used to treat and prevent fine lines, wrinkles, and deep facial furrows. Botox and Xeomin are medications injected into the muscle to reduce wrinkles caused by muscle movement. They work well on crow’s feet, horizontal forehead lines, and frown lines between the eyebrows. Most procedures take only 10 –15 minutes, with no downtime or surgery, and little to no discomfort. We strategically choose the dosing based on your muscle mass and strength in the area of concern. A quality consultation, including an estimate of cost, is key to a positive overall experience. The results can be seen within 10-14 days, and last for three months.

Signature Lift

1 hour 15 minutes

This non-surgical treatment can help lift, smooth, and rejuvenate specific points on the face to help you look refreshed. Instead of focusing on a single area, this global treatment approach will benefit multiple areas of the face including cheeks, lower cheeks, nasal labial folds, pre-jowl folds, cheekbones, under eyes, mouth corners, and jawline. Radiesse® strategically placed will create some immediate improvements but will continue to enhance over time as the filler stimulates the production of collagen rejuvenating your skin, smoothing out lines, and adding youthful volume restoring the subtle curves that define your own unique beauty. A typical treatment takes about six-eight weeks for optimal results.


1 hour

The RHA® Collection of designer fillers — is exclusively available at select aesthetic practices. Injectable hyaluronic acid (HA) is a type of temporary dermal filler. HA is a naturally occurring substance that is already found in your skin. It helps keep skin plump and hydrated. Injectable dermal fillers are used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and facial folds. Fillers can help create structure and framework, and replace volume to the face and body. The effects of injectable hyaluronic acid are seen immediately. The healing process can involve swelling for about 3-7 days depending on the amount injected, the area injected, and how your body reacts to the procedure. The product then settles and your final results about 2-3 weeks after injections. Please give yourself a minimum of 2 weeks before any events or vacations in case of residual bruising and swelling. Facial fillers are a temporary solution and therefore to maintain results, treatments will need to be administered on a recurring basis. Fillers typically last 6 to 12 months. Since everyone’s needs are different, and with such a wide variety of treatments involving filler, a personal consultation is the best way to establish the cost.


1 hour

Sculptra® is an FDA-approved injectable that helps gradually replace lost collagen. Sculptra® is composed of poly-L-lactic acid, a biocompatible (meaning it is safe to use in the body), and a biodegradable synthetic substance used to stimulate collagen production. Sculptra® can be used in people with healthy immune systems to treat deep lines, creases, and folds to give you a more youthful appearance. Sculptra® is injected deep into the dermis and gradually improves the affected area. Sculptra® initially will provide a natural filling effect that will dissipate within the first three days. The body will slowly start to produce its own collagen, to re-establish volume and structure that has been lost over time. Typically Sculptra® requires three injection sessions spaced 6-8 weeks apart for an optimal outcome. However, the number of injection appointments varies from person to person, depending on the patient and the amount of collagen that has been lost. Noticeable results are usually visible within 3-4 months, and results typically last up to 2 years.

Platelet Rich Fibrin

1 hour

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) is one of the most natural ways to induce collagen. You can use PRF in either an injection or with microneedling. PRF is the second-generation PRP platelets, an all-natural solution that can treat areas in the face that show the first signs of aging, like under-eye hollows, deflated cheeks, and in the scalp for hair restoration. A patient’s blood is drawn, and one vial of blood is drawn. Next, the blood is placed inside a centrifuge designed to separate PRF from other blood components. After spinning, the PRF is harvested from the top of the vial into a syringe. PRF is recognized by the body and is absorbed deeper into the tissue which allows for a slow release of growth factors, accelerating your results to the next level. PRF is optimally performed in a series of treatments, spaced six to eight weeks apart. Results typically last one to three weeks and the volume will essentially dissipate. Long-term effects, such as skin tightening, collagen production, and enhanced skin quality, may take up to three to four months to be noticed and can last from six to 12 months. The visibility of expected benefits and results of the PRF treatment is typically seen after six weeks after initial treatment.


1 hour

Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy (CIT) and skin needling, is a non-invasive procedure that stimulates new collagen production. Microneedling addresses minor skin concerns such as skin laxity, fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, stretch marks, and skin discolorations. Using a micro-needling device, tiny micro-injuries lead to a release of growth factors, triggering the wound healing cascade and aide in mechanically breaking down scar tissue. The (development of new blood cells) and production of new collagen) result in aesthetically pleasing results without significant recovery time. Microneedling procedures use topical anesthesia to help make the treatment comfortable. There is a minimum recovery making it a powerful way to achieve skin cell rejuvenation with minimal downtime. The results of a microneedling procedure are long-lasting and can continue for up to 6 months-1 per year. Maintenance treatments are typically necessary about once every 6 months. You should be prepared to experience minor redness, shedding (peeling), and dry skin associated with your microneedling treatment.

Filler Reversal (Hylenex)

30 minutes

Not happy with the results from your filler treatment? Hyaluronidase works very quickly, with most of the effect taking place within 24 hours. You should be able to see defined improvement and less filler in the area injected, beginning within a few hours

Add-on B12 shot

15 minutes

Vitamin B12 injections, also known as cobalamin, is essential for many roles in your body. Its main function is to help cells form and metabolize properly. It also plays a role in brain function, supporting neurons and cell formation. Vitamin B12 also plays a vital role in metabolism. Metabolism can affect your weight, appetite, and energy level. Without the right amount of vitamins, you may feel fatigued, forgetful, and even have a greater risk for heart disease. Having balanced levels of vitamin B12 helps with fatigue, lack of energy level, and boost metabolism.

Chemical Peel

30 minutes

Chemical peels are used to remove damaged skin cells, revealing healthier skin underneath. There are a number of reasons people may get chemical peels. They may be trying to treat a variety of things, including wrinkles and fine lines, sun damage, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, scars, or melasma.

Add-on Exosome Treatment

15 minutes

Exosome treatments are based on the most cutting-edge scientific biotech breakthrough for skin rejuvenation and regeneration. Exosomes are responsible for cell-to-cell communication and facilitating the exchange of RNA and other essential proteins between cells. Noticeably reduces the appearance of age-related pigment, reduces the appearance of age-related pigment, makes skin appear firmer and more full, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, hydrates and nourishes skin, and promotes a more radiant and even tone complexion.